Reopening September 20, 2021
COVID-19 Safety Plan for Dancers
The health and safety of our members and employees is our top priority, as such we have updated our safety protocols to ensure just that.
The Dance Studio
At this time, dance teachers and students are required to wear a mask for the entire duration of their time within the facility. Tiny Tots are not required to wear a mask but are strongly recommended to do so. Hand sanitizing stations are set up in each dance studio so dancers can sanitize their hands when entering the room. If the student is feeling ill for any reason, the studio must be informed and the student must be kept home.
Parents are not permitted in the facility when dropping their child off at dance except for Tiny Tot dancers. Parents may drop their child off at the door 5 minutes before their class and wait outside for their child to finish their class. Tiny Tot parents must wear a mask when entering the club and wait with their child either in the lobby at our west location or in the hallway outside the club doors at our east location until the teacher arrives to collect the students. Once students are collected, parents must leave the facility until pick-up time. Tiny Tot parents may then re-enter the club 5 minutes before the end of their child’s class but no sooner and wait either in the lobby at west or the hallway at east.
Dancers are required to bring their own water bottles as the water fountains are closed at this time. Dancers may only use the fountains for refilling their bottles. Dance bags should be big enough to hold all the students’ personal items except for their outdoor shoes. There will be shoe mats for the students to store their outdoor shoes outside of the dance room.
High-touch surfaces such as the dance barres, benches, doorknobs, yoga mats, etc, will be cleaned at the end of each class. Studios will be fully cleaned and sanitized each night. Six-foot squares are taped on the dance floor so that students remain at least 6 feet apart as much as possible.